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Arête Architects believe in blending the planes of architecture and environment; merging the two to achieve architectural excellence.

Arête Architects will embrace your chosen environment and uncover the potential within it. Be it natural or built; micro or macro, interior or exterior, we promise to provide an architectural solution that will exist harmoniously within its context.

Based in Wellington and Lake Hawea, New Zealand, Arête Architects have a global outlook, seeking solutions, information and technologies internationally in an effort to achieve balance between the built and non-built environments we inhabit.

We love working closely with all stakeholders, through all stages of a project, to ensure that, as a team, we achieve something truly unique, responsive and responsible.

Arête /ə’rEt/ (French)
A sharp crested ridge in rugged mountains. Borrowed from French, “ edge formed by the meeting of two planes...”

Arete /ahr-i-tey/ (Greek)

Arete /ahr-i-tey/ (Greek)
The aggregate of qualities, as valor and virtue, making up good character. In its basic sense, means “excellence” of any kind.

“The characteristics of the world most worth knowing is it’s natural beauty... the more we see of it the more of us it sees.”
